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King Abdul Aziz Rd, Riyadh ,

About Us

Googan Business Group are experts in the design and processing of local and foreign exhibitions and bazaars and in the design, development, processing and operation of restaurants and coffee shops with a focus on quality.

  • Holistic approach to quality of work
    Exterior and interior aesthetic view and good and arranged seating where our attention is focused on the smallest and smallest details, including the view and you are driving
  • Quick action and quick response
    Perfection for God alone in any case and there is no guarantee that everything will be according to the scheme 100% but you have a promise from us that we are ready to intervene in a timely manner and ready to meet requests and take action to ensure your continuity and strength in a way that suits you
  • Ethical behavior
    Your relationship with the Gogan business group is trust and respect.
  • Teamwork delivers the desired results
    We believe in the strength of our team and our success partners to deliver a high level of quality and win more and more customers

Exhibitions Preparation

Googan supplies exhibitions, decorations and booths (Event) Specialized in the sale and rental of all exhibitions, booths, private suites and conferences under the supervision of a selection of engineers and designers to carry out works inside and outside the city of Riyadh

Our clients

  • Waraq Al Toot Restaurant
  • McDonald’s Restaurant
  • Book Fair
  • Coffee Exhibition
  • Falcons Exhibition
  • Mosques Exhibition

Request Exhibitions Preparation Now

Order a Processing of exhibitions now: Do you have an exhibition and want to prepare it? Do you have a bazaar and want to equip or design? Do you have stig and need design or processing? Do you need a booth or exhibition booth? do you have other questions ? Contact us to reach your destination

Exhibitions Preparation

Googan supplies exhibitions, decorations and booths (Event) Specialized in the sale and rental of all exhibitions, booths, private suites and conferences under the supervision of a selection of engineers and designers to carry out works inside and outside the city of Riyadh

What they say about us

  • Ammar Hamaydeh (Turquoise Lounges)
    Ammar Hamaydeh (Turquoise Lounges)

    Thank you for your distinguished service and wonderful prices and I wish you continued success ,,, and forward

  • Fawaz Al Tamimi
    Fawaz Al Tamimi

    All thanks to the Gogan business group for providing great services in the field of catering services in terms of designs and distinctive decorations still serve us in our restaurants berries paper restaurants and wish them success.

قسم تجهيزات المعارض

تقوم جوجان بتجهيز المعارض و الديكورات والبوثات (Event) مختصين في بيع وتاجير جميع اعمال المعارض والبوثات والاجنحة الخاصة والمؤتمرات تحت اشراف نخبة من المهندسين والمصممين تنفيذ الاعمال داخل وخارج مدينة الرياض

Sara Oud
Samnan water solutions

Our business

  • Exhibition Equipment Section
  • Department of catering and cafes
  • Department of Publications
  • Consulting Section
  • Processing of exhibitions
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